Palestinians: West Bank settlers fired makeshift rockets at us |

By Reuters |


Two makeshift rockets landed harmlessly outside Palestinian villages in the West Bank on Monday, residents said, accusing neighboring settlers of launching an attack.
A source in the security establishment described the Palestinian report as incorrect.
Residents of the villages of Odala and Awarta, south of the West Bank city of Nablus, said two rockets were fired from the nearby settlement of Yitzhar. A Reuters Television cameraman saw a projectile, about 45 centimetres long, burning in a field.
A week ago, Israeli police arrested Yitzhar settler Gilad Herman on suspicion of involvement in a failed rocket attack last month on the Palestinian village of Burin in the West Bank.
The projectile failed to reach its target and nobody was harmed, although the sound of the blast triggered a sweep of the area by Israeli security forces who initially believed a Palestinian attack on settlers was in progress.
Media reports said police believe the perpetrator probably found rocket-making instructions on the Internet.
Until a truce with Islamic militants last month, Palestinians (?) fired crude rockets into Israel from Gaza almost daily, occasionally killing and wounding Israelis. Sporadic rocket fire has continued since the truce between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas took effect on June 19. |
Athyglisvert að lesa um viðbrögð Ísraelskra öryggissveita: "...a Palestinian attack on settlers was in progress."
Meginflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Aukaflokkur: Trúmál og siðferði | Breytt s.d. kl. 15:13 | Facebook
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