1.8.2009 | 21:17
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Financial collapse: Confidential
exposure analysis of 205
companies each owing above
EUR45M to Icelandic bank
Kaupthing, 26 Sep 2008
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July 29, 2009
This confidential 210 page file presents an exposure analysis of 205 companies or groups from around the world each owing the Icelandic bank Kaupthing 45 million to 1250 million euros. Not long after producing this internal report, the bank collapsed.
Kaupthing's borrowers have or had operations in most countries.
Kaupthing previously operated in at least 13 countries, including all the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
The bank's motto, prominently displayed in this report is Think Beyond.
Within 24 hours of releasing the document, WikiLeaks received a legal threat from Kaupthing's lawyers.
Companies and corporate groups covered:
Exista Group hf.
Exista - Exista hf.
Exista - Bakkabrćdur Holding BV
Exista - Guro Leisure Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Exista - Bakkabraedur Group (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Exista - Exista Sub Group (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Robert Tchenguiz
Skuli Thorvaldsson
Skuli Thorvaldsson (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Holt Investment Group Ltd.
Kjalar Kjalar hf.
Kjalar - Iceland Seafood International ehf.
Kjalar - Samskip Holding B.V. and Samskip hf.
Kjalar - Olafur Olafsson (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Gaumur Group
Gaumur - Baugur Group hf., BG Equity 1 ehf., F-Capital ehf., BGE eignarhaldsfélag ehf. and Fjárfestingafélagiđ Gaumur ehf.
Gaumur - 1998 ehf.
Gaumur - Eignarhaldsfélagiđ ISP ehf.
Gaumur - Hagar hf.
Mosaic Fashions Ltd.
Kevin G. Stanford
Kevin G. Stanford (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Antonios Yerolemou (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Candy & Candy
Project Abbey Noho Square
Candy & Candy (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Landic Property
Landic - Landic Property hf.
Landic - 101 Skuggahverfi hf.
Landic - Ţyrping hf.
Landic - AB113 ehf., AB106 ehf. and Akraland ehf.
Skipti Skipti hf.
Skipti - Sirius IT Partner
Stođir Stođir hf.
Stođir - Materia Invest ehf.
Victoria Properties A/S (FIH)
Michael Ashley & Sports World International (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Haldor Topsře A/S (FIH)
Norvik - Smáragarđur ehf.
Norvik - Straumborg ehf.
Norvik - JSC Norvik Banka
Lagerinn Dutch Holding - JYSK group
Lagerinn Dutch Holding - ILVA A/S
Lagerinn - SMI ehf.
Daniella/Limebrook - Bay Restaurant Holdings Limited
Daniella/Limebrook - Town & City Pub Company Limited
Saxbygg - Saxbygg ehf.
Saxbygg - Saxbygg Invest ehf.
Saxbygg - Saxhóll ehf.
Greenland's Home Rule (FIH)
Danfoss A/S (FIH)
Össur hf.
Vincent Tchenguiz
Vincent Tchenguiz - Pennyrock Limited
Vincent Tchenguiz - Elsina Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Managing Director Klaus Helmersen and St. Frederikslund Holding A/S (FIH)
Kwintet AB (FIH)
Alshair Fiyaz (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Foreningen ei invest european retail (FIH)
Danish Crown AMBA (FIH)
Nycomed A/S (FIH)
REIM - Celsius European Holdings Sarl
Gift fjárfestingafélag ehf.
EjendomsSelskabet Norden I K/S (FIH)
Vivian Imerman (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Christen Sveaas/Kistefos/AS Holding/Telecom Holding AS
ST Aerospace Solutions (Europe) A/S (FIH)
Kaupthing Capital Partners
Kaupthing Capital Partners II Master, L.P. Incorporated (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
KCP II ehf (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Sjćlsř Gruppen A/S (FIH)
Drög - Íslenskir ađalverktakar hf.
Drög - Drög ehf.
Drög - Álftárós ehf.
Drög - Ármannsfell ehf.
Lornamead Acquisitions Ltd.
Danske Fragtmćnd A/S (FIH)
A Heeschen & Associated Companies (Kaupthing Isle of Man)
Proark A/S Michael Kaa Andersen (FIH)
Umtak ehf.
Aalborg Industries Holding A/S (FIH)
Teighmore Ltd & New London Bridge House (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Samson - Empennage Inc.
Samson - Samson eignarhaldsfélag ehf.
Samson - Rauđsvík ehf.
DEUGE Deutsche Grundeigentum GmbH + Lundtoftegaard GmbH (FIH)
Enic International Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Gluma Holding A/S (FIH)
Tćkker Europa A/S (FIH)
Guldborgsund Kommne (FIH)
Bakkavör Bakkavör Group hf.
Bakkavör (London) Ltd.
Arovit Acquisitions APS
Mengus Stockholm A/S (FIH)
Rolf Barfoed A/S (FIH)
Samherji hf.
Samherji - Snćfell ehf.
Samherji - UK Fisheries Ltd.
Samherji - Kaldbakur ehf.
Giant Bidco (Booker Group plc)
Toga Pty Ldt. (FIH)
A-huset Invest A/S (FIH)
EHI Fund Denmark II ApS (FIH)
Chestnutbay (Asquith Nurseries)
Newco Aep A/S ( Wrist Group A/S) (FIH)
DSV Miljř Holding A/S (FIH)
A. P. Mřller-Mćrsk A/S (FIH)
Peter Shalson Connection (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Chr. Hansen Holding A/S (FIH)
Primera Travel Group hf.
Thorkil Andersen Holding A/S (FIH)
Eik Fasteignafélag ehf
Sean Dunne Connection DCD Builders, Zaskari Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Saxo Bank A/S (FIH)
A/S United Shipping & Trading (FIH)
K/S Danske Immobilien (FIH)
Eurotrust A/S (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Flexlink Holding AB
Essex Invest Holding A/S and Peter Halvorsen (FIH)
Serena Equity Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Egill Agustsson (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Ölgerđin Egill Skallagrímsson Group ehf.
Tower Gate Developments Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
IDdesign Holding A/S (FIH)
Unity Investments (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Novozymes A/S (FIH)
Hekla hf.
Hekla - Hekla fasteignir ehf.
Vífilfell - Vífilfell hf.
Vífilfell - Sólstafir ehf.
Arla Foods AMBA (FIH)
NKT Holding A/S (FIH)
Aarhuskarlshamn AB (FIH)
Invent Farma ehf.
GN Store Nord A/S (FIH)
Ecco Sko A/S (FIH)
Penninn - Penninn ehf.
Penninn - Officeday Finland Oy
Pandora Holding A/S (FIH)
CD Group - AKER
Steen Bryde Bryde Gruppen ApS and I/S Strandvejen 56-58 (FIH)
Bankside Holdings Ltd & Bullion Investments Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Paigle Properties (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Burgundy Sea Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Kaupfélag Skagfirđinga
KS - AB 57 ehf.
KS - Fóđurblandan hf.
KS - Fisk Seafood hf.
KS - Kaupfélag Skagfirđinga
Ferrosan A/S (FIH)
BM Vallá
BM Vallá - BM Vallá ehf.
BM Vallá - Fasteignafélagiđ Ártún ehf.
Graham Harris Connection (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Carlsberg A/S (FIH)
Wavin N.V. (FIH)
Horst Gassmann (FIH)
Steen Larsen /SL Nordic Holding ApS (FIH)
Sund ehf.
Dustin Group AB
Framherji Group Sp/f
Huscompagniet A/S (FIH)
Felicitas Intressenter AB (FIH)
DLG Dansk Landbrugs Grovvareselskab AMBA (FIH)
PWT Holding A/S (FIH)
Sanitec OY (FIH)
JM Danmark A/S (FIH)
EBH-Fonden (FIH)
Bleiksstađir ehf.
Flugstod Leifs Eirikssonar hf. (FLE)
Lastas A/S (FIH)
DLG Bidco Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Interbuild ApS (FIH)
KPC Holding A/S (FIH)
Íslandsverktakar - Mćnir ehf.
Íslandsverktakar - Athús ehf.
Dansk AvisTryk A/S (FIH)
Energi Randers Holding A/S (FIH)
Křbenhavns lufthavne A/S (FIH)
Dong Energy A/S (FIH)
EAV ehf. (Kaupthing Luxembourg)
Fram Foods hf.
Superfos A/S (FIH)
Investea Holding A/S (FIH)
Nordic Travel Holding AS (FIH)
AKSO ehf. and Módelhús ehf.
Filbert Pacific Ltd (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
Ashwell Property Group (Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander)
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