Múrinn styrkir Hamas!







Poll: Blockade is making Hamas stronger

19 Jun 2008

According to a poll, commissioned by Gisha (Legal Center for Freedom of Movement) and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, the majority of Jewish Israelis believe that Israel's policy in the Gaza Strip is not achieving its goals. 

Wriiten by Elana Kirsh, Jerusalem Post Online, June 18

An overwhelming majority - 83 percent - of Israelis surveyed believed that Hamas has strengthened since closure was imposed on Gaza, while 68% said they believe that Israel's security situation had worsened since that time. The closure of the Gaza Strip will not end Palestinian support for Hamas, according to 78 percent of respondents, and 60% said the closure is making life so difficult for Gazans that it is likely to cause more support for Islamic extremism.

Regarding international opinion, the survey showed that two-thirds believed the closure is diminishing Israeli's standing, with one quarter saying that the policy is making Israel look "much worse."

The survey also looked at Palestinian human rights, where the majority was found not to believe support for such rights is anti-Israel, though 39 percent disagreed.

Data showed that 44% of respondents identified themselves as right-wing, 20% called themselves centrist, and 21% left-wing.

Poll writer and analyst Dalya Scheindlin said the survey showed "that Israelis do not believe that the policy of pressuring Gaza residents is effective," and that "there is a strong consensus that the closure primarily affects civilians but is completely ineffective at causing them to replace the Hamas regime."

The director of Gisha - Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, Sari Bashi, surmised that Jewish Israelis were "more realistic" than politicians, and said that "Israeli decision-makers would do well to listen to the people, who are warning them that Israel's policy in Gaza is primarily harming Palestinian civilians - against Israel's own interests."

The survey was written and analyzed by independent pollster Dalya Scheindlin, and commissioned by the human rights groups Gisha (Legal Center for Freedom of Movement) and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel






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