McCain, valfrelsið, konur og fátækir.

Þetta var í póstinum mínum.  Ákvað að birta þetta.

In his nomination acceptance speech last night, Senator John McCain said, "We believe in a government ... that doesn't make your choices for you, but works to make sure you have more choices to make for yourself."

But John McCain has spent his career removing women's right to choose! >>

This comes as a surprise to those following the Republican convention, where neither he nor vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin admitted their anti-choice beliefs to the American public.

Indeed, McCain's anti-choice policies come as a surprise to many of his supporters. A recent poll says half of all female McCain supporters are pro-choice, and more than 70 percent of those incorrectly believe McCain is, too.

Throughout his service in the Senate, however, McCain has repeatedly voted to slash funding for low-income family-planning programs, against allowing women to obtain birth control and to take away women's right to choose.

Palin's record is no better, as she vehemently opposes abortion and used her line-item veto to eliminate funding for a program that would help pregnant teenagers in Alaska.

Shed light on McCain's anti-choice record >>



Slate and Newsweek political columnist Dahlia Lithwick recently wrote that "John McCain is banking on his reputation as an independent maverick to snooker voters into thinking that his abortion views are centrist, no matter what he actually says. It's a risky strategy: Don't believe what I say. Believe what you used to believe before I opened my mouth."

As a voter concerned with women's rights and healthcare options, I urge you to be straight about your views on this topic. That includes being straight on the fact that you have:

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* Voted anti-choice 125 out of 130 times in your congressional career.
* Voted to cut funding for the Title X (ten) family-planning program, which provides contraception and cancer screenings for low-income women.
* Voted against requiring insurance companies that pay for other prescription drugs, like Viagra, to pay equally for women's prescription birth control.
* Voted against measures to prevent unintended pregnancy
* Voted for the global gag rule, which prohibits federally funded family-planning clinics from giving women full information about their reproductive-health options.
* Voted for and co-sponsored the Federal Abortion Ban.
* Voted to defund the United Nations group that provides family-planning services for poor women.
* Voted in favor of President Bush's anti-choice Supreme Court Justices like Samuel Alito and John Roberts, and pledged to nominate judges with similar pro-life views with the goal of overturning Roe v. Wade.

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1 Smámynd: Haraldur Davíðsson

Þetta ætti heima á vef Höllu Rutar, Öfgar kristinna manna..

Haraldur Davíðsson, 6.9.2008 kl. 02:10

2 Smámynd: Auðun Gíslason

Þetta er eitthvað annað en kristni, Haraldur!  Sumir myndu kalla mig kristinn öfgamann.  Að mínu mati á þetta ekkert skylt við trú, þetta eru amrískir hægri-öfgar!  Það er ekki kristilegt að styðja niðurskurð á stuðningi við fátæka, þvert á móti.  Verst fer í mig þessi öfgakennda, allt að því krampakennda, þjóðernishyggja, sem kemur fram í kosningabaráttunni þar vestra, og reyndar að því er virðist öllu daglegu lífi hins venjulega borgara í USA.

Auðun Gíslason, 6.9.2008 kl. 20:29

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